Thursday 15 December 2011

busy busy busy !

hye there :) hows ur day ? hope u guys hav a great day !act , da bersawang gilaa blog aku nii .sunyi dan sepi jek.haihhh .seriously , xde mase nk update pon jarang2 jek skg sbb tau jelah kan. em, final pon dah nk dekat ,lagi bape ari jek n wil stat on 4th jan 2012. hope ,kali ni dpt dean list .amin :) so skg mmg tersgtlah busy ,lepas satu,satu ! ngn esaimen nye ,test nye ,meeting la bagai .ohh sgt serabut yek ! huh .lectrer pon maen sdap jea bg esaimen tnpe pkir ktorang2 ni yg berhempas pulas siang mlm *over je ni *! hehe.ok malas nk bebel ,mmg dah namenye student ,so mmg itu lah kejenye .wateva it is ,i enjoy my life ! being single and hav a lot of good friends was so grateful for me . i really love damn muchh all u guys <3 ! but somtimes , rase sunyi gak takde pakwe . hahahah. tapi takpe ,akan ade jugak satu hari *ayat sedap ati* .ok lahh ,i hav to go sbb ade sket keje nk buat .catch u later . daaa ~

Tuesday 8 November 2011

naseb malang :(

salam semua :) hows ur day ? hope smua ok .nk citer pasal semalam .yesterday was my bad day :( nak tau knpe ? sbb smlam accident langgar ngn kereta wira .n it was my first time !tak pnah lg accdent b4 ni. ohh sangat2 lah terkejot plus rase nk pengsan time tu jugak . takdelah terok mane kereta aku ( kereta abah je pon ) *sbb aku yg drive kan ,so kereta aku la* .hahah :p just lampu depan belah kiri pecah n kalau betolkan below rm50. tp pintu wira tu kemek ,kitorang setel tepi jek malas nk wat report bagai .kalau tak ,aku la yg kene saman sbb lnggar traffic light yg ketika itu kuning ,n aku maen jalan jek .naseb baek ,owner kete tu jenis cina yg ok n tak belagak mcm ade sesetengah cina kaya kan .huh !siyezly ,gila tak perasan kete dari arah sane pon nk masuk lorong yg same .n mmg selalunye kete2 yg laen pon takkan ikot traffic light tu n dorang maen belok jek. sangat2 lah tak sangke at last aku yg jadik mangse kt simpang tu .my dad pnh ckp kt simpang tu mmg bahaye .tp b4 ni aku lalu ,ok jek .mybe naseb aku tak baek n tak dgr ckp mak b4 tu yg sruh aku bawak slow2 .hmm tu lah pasal :( gedebak-gedebuk ktorg kene bayar rm400 utk betolkan kete dye tuh .melayang mcm tu je kan duet. so skrg ,aku mmg tgah patah kaki kt uma nih sbb abah dah tak bg gune kete lg .smpai bile ?aku sndri pon tak tau .huh sedey :( k laa ,malas nk cter panjang2 dah..

so moral of the story : 1.jgn drive kereta laju-laju.
                                  2.biar lambat asal selamat.
                                  3.ingatlah orang yg tersayang.
                                  4.dengar nasihat mak n abah.
                                  5.bace doa semasa masuk kenderaan.

be more careful .. pengajaran buat diri sendiri jugak :)

Friday 4 November 2011

aidiladha :)

assalamualaikum :) hye ppl .im home rite now n cuti seminggu until next week .just nk wish SELAMAT MENYAMBUT HARI RAYA AIDILADHA . saje wish cpt2 coz esk da kene gi uma nenek kt kg UBI .then dah busy n dah tak dapat on9.huhuu :p 


em ,saje post lagu ni sbb suke dengar
n maybe ade maksud tesendiri 
utk org macam saye 
zzzzzzz !

Sunday 9 October 2011

BFF or BF ?

hye there :) lame tak update blog yg tak seberape ni bkn sbb takde mase ,byk jek mase free plus terbuang .haha. act ,today tido uma my aunt so dapat ler on9 sepuas hati kau :)
ok , back to the topic *BFF or BF* yg sememangnye mnjadi topik hangat ketika ini .haahaha .ok merapu ! sebenanye ,aku nk cter ckt la pasal BFF n BF ni . semue tawu kan what is it means .BFF=bestfriendforever n BF=boyfriend yg tak la forever sgt kan .both of it tersangat lah important dlm life korang rite ? same goes to me .but somhow ,ade sesetgah org sanggup tingglkan BFF dye semata-mata BFB dye .damn! *BFB*=boyfriend baru .hmm ,sedey kan? act,bende ni mmg really happen .for me lah kan , BFF tu kite kenal da lame ,perangai ,hatibudi, segala keburukan kebaikan semue kite da tau n segala masalah dishare bersame ,kemane saje mcm belangkas .nk dibndingkan dgn BFB yg korang kenal ntah berape saat, minit tu ,korang da start lupe pada BFF korang . bile ade masalah ngn BF ,baru pandai nk cari BFF .bile tgah dlm kesusahan ,BFF jugak dicari .tak patut tak patut .tak salah nk ade BF tp pandai2 lah bagi mase utk BF/GF n KAWAN2 .kan kan ? wateva it is, please jage perasaan both of them if u r really love these people :) hargai lah diorang lagi2 ur BFF yg sentiase ade time kite senang dan susah :)

xoxo !!~

Saturday 24 September 2011

Buat2 bz !

salam :) lame gilee kot tak update blog .sumpah mcm bz je kan .2minggu da belalu in new sem for 2nd year .huwaaa ,aku da 2nd year la seh ,da jdk senior .*senior la sgt kan* padahal junior2 sndri pon ta knal .hahahah .ape la seh .act kan , kt utm tuh tak dpt wifi .on9 pon time dlm class ,sedey kan :( dah la dduk mcm dlm gua !tak best lngsung bilik n blok baru ni .,grrrr ! naseb baek la evry week aku balek uma kan ,dpt la on9 puas2 n sesuke hatii .hehe :p sepanjang 2minggu ni mcm2 bende yg mmbuatkan aku bz .guess wat ? membesarkan perot la ape lagi ! hahaha :D mane ade open house situ la ade aku . haha .sumpah berat da naek .huwaaa :( td ptg g open house uma hadi ,esok uma my aunt n uma reen pulak .last weekend open house my house n step mom norel punye uma . act ,tadela open house sgt sbb jmput pon tak rmi ,just for my coursemate n mbr2 yg blom raye uma :D tak sempat nk update haritu sbb bz ckt .so ,now adelaa ckt gamba yg last weekend punye .huhu :p

coursemate :)
kt uma ibu angkat norel :)
6dara yg bakal jd mak dara .haha :p
bila kami da jumpe ,mcm2 cter la kua kan .huu
begamba lepas kekenyangan :DD 

stepmom eli : rmainye syerot bwk geng dye ,ingtkan 2buah kete jek .
haa ,sekali dtg 4buah ,.sori eli aku bwk byk perot .haha :p
btw ,sedap makanan2 kt uma dia.

stop here ~ tcare peeps ~

Friday 9 September 2011


assalamualaikum :) hye peeps ! act ,dah lame tak update blog ni .dah bersawang saye tgk ! dah berkhirnye blan ramdhan , skg muncol bulan syawal ,whre all muslims celebrate it n including myself !rasenye raye taon ni sgt2 lah bermakna bg aku sbb dpt celebrate wit my big family n especially ade abah sbb abah olweyz takde on 1st raya sbb selalu tak dpt cuti ! erkhh .many things happend in this two week as u can see below,jap aku selit skit gamba :)
my big family wit atok nnek n sedare2 tp family pakcik takde time ni .
wit my siblings on 2nd raya :)
raya ke5 : wit my ex primary school
kawan yg dah 7yrs tak jumpe :)
raya ke 7 : open house kathy !

kt rumah pain .kt dinding pon jdik .hehe .ape seh muke kathy !
depan uma org kaya- anas .sumpah cantek gilaa uma dia .
ni ngn kawan2 time secondary school ;)
time ni rmi yg ta juin sbb ade yg dah naek sem :(
pantang nmpak cermin .hahah
raya ke 8 : once again mkn kt senibong ngn kwn2 yg time reunion raya
ade yg tak dpt juin time ni .pape pon sgt2 best dpt gather balek ngn korg :)
wit wani ;D

ok enough ! kang melampau2 pulak upload gamba .sgt2 fun lah raya kali ni sbb dpt juin ngn bdk sekola rndh,byangknlah da bpe taon tak jumpe seh but proud of them sbb dorang tak pnh lupe mbr2 lame .hope next year dpt juin lg. hehe :p 

last but not least :
tcare.ingatlah org tersayang.
sayang korang <3

Saturday 3 September 2011

wish RAYA :)

assalamualaikum ppl ! just a short post  :) 
now masing2 tgah bz beraye rite ?? same here n a week dah tak on9 o update ape2 .
so ade ksempatan ni nak say thanks for wishing selamat hari raya samaade thru mesej, FB ,kad raye ,etc.
firstly, nk mntak maaf pd sape2 yg mengenali diri ini atas segala silap n salah .
hope korang halalkan segala pemberian n hutang2 yg tergendala .hehee

google imej je nihh .hik3 :p
<3 u olls !

Thursday 18 August 2011

miss my old friend :(

yesterday : after long time we all tak contct ,out of sudden dye kol n ktorg gayot lame gilee. dlu time kt matrik mmg rapat la ngn dye ,smpai kan ade yg ckp ktorg kapel la skandel la, mane taknye bila bosan mlm2 kteorg salu g koop same2 then lepak2 tepi longkang .hahah .tp bkn bedue ,salunye msti ade qeela n qeela pon ngn mbr dye .tp yg sebena benanye ktorg hanyelah teman tp mesra :) no feeling2 o jiwang2 .at first ,mmg pnh mnat dye but then dpt tawu yg dye da ade gf .huhu .tak ksah la tu n nta cmne kteorg jdk kwn bt only one sem sbb last sem 1 dye da kua mtrik sbb nk contnue dip n ade prob :( sedey jugak la kn kehilngan seorg mbr baek yg salu share prob ngn aku .sob9 .somtimes ade la ktorg contct tnye khaba sume .tp msing2 dah jaoh ,bz ngn stdy n life msing2 so dah jarang la contct . smpai la smlm ,tetibe dye kol .tepernjat gak la mule2 kan .ingt kan da tak ingat .huhu :p ktorg borak smpi tak igt dunia sbb da lme tak borak punye pasal . n msing2 cter pasal life msing2 .ouhh rupenye dye tga ad mslh yg sgt2 besar n once again dye luahkan smuenye .sgt2 kesian n bersimpati .yg terharunye bila dye ckp "i rasa ngn u jek i bole luahkan perasaan" means aku ni mmg salu jdk pndgar setia lahh kot . hahah .then aku support dye lah tp dr jaoh jelaa kan :( haihh .kesian sgt ngn dye but aku sgt respect la kt dye sbb dye sgt2 berdikari orgnye dan seorg yg setia .untong awek dye .huuu ~ n hope sgt2 our friendship long lasting.

ckup la aku membebel setakat nii .
~ arini da dpt baju raya sepasang ;) ~
nk lg sepasang ,2 pasang ckup laa .

Monday 15 August 2011

my life my past

i've made some mistake in my life .
im too choosy .
n i got a bad choices .
n now im being more sensitive .
its just mean once upon a time i had a bad judgement .
but im older n wiser now :)

Monday 8 August 2011

macam-macam HAL

hye peeps :) mmg da jdk kebiasaan update blog time OFFday jek sbb takde kesempatan ari laen plus keje .lgpon nk cter ape jek kan ,rutin hari2 nye keje,keje dan mmg bile tak keje ,mmg tak pnh lekat kt umah pon .bontot panas org kate ! hahah .today ,mcm biase lah bgn2 time matahari tepacak .alasan : penat keje , tido lambat .huhuu :p bgn2 ,mak teros ajak g giant knonnye nk tgk2 baju plus cari hamper for my jiran yg dpt baby twin .smpai2 ,knon2 nye nk beli baju sekali nk cucuk duet tgk kad ATM cimb da takde dlm pes .huarghhh! confrm tercicir .haish ,b4 ni bkk wallet tak perasan la pulak .hampeh! ngn my mom punye clubcard tesco pon ilg .lepas tuh dah takde mood nk jalan sbb da tak bole nk beli ape2 :( tp layankan jela my mom n my lil bro yg kuat mengenget . then,after cri brg2 sume teros pecut cari CIMB bank kt jj .n kol nadia sbb dye pon pnh ilang kad atm ngn wallet2 sekali. apalagi teros buat baru la ,kne cas 12hengget tu .tak ksh la kan, jnji dpt yg baruu. balek2 smyg zuhur teros g uma reen .saje lepak2 ngn dye. time nk balek, siap dpt kueh raye n bubur lambok .huhu .haa ,thanks sweetie :) smpi uma ,keje da mnunggu iaitu buat air utk buka .alahai ,sng je pon .heheh :p n now baru balek tgk c twin tuhh .kecik plus cOmel jek dorang . tetibe, terase in future nk ade twins .heheh :p

mood :: still kenyang penangan masakan mak td .
menu : ketam masak lemak , laksa pineng, rojak salad, kueh puteri ayu , n jus tembikai :DD

ok, enough for now .bye peeps :)

Monday 1 August 2011

New Fon :DD

today 1st day puase . mcm2 rase ade .PENAT, HAPPY,lastly  KENYANG SGT2 .hahaaa :D
penat sbb g teman mak g smart plus pusing2 cari fon baruu .
happy sbb da dpt fon yg diidamkan plus buka ramai2 kt uma nnek .
sgt2 lahh meriahh ,kazen2 semua ade .mmg rugi lah klau aku g keje td .hehee :p
dah laaa ponteng keje arinii.haishh ,ape nak jadi .yg penting bkn disengajakan okay .
time buka td mmg kecoh sekampung.huhuu.
 but2 kecewe gak la tak dpt g teraweh .hehehe 
next time shift pagi lincah la g teraweh ekk ? harap2 laaa :)
nk kaler pink !!!
n this is my new baby ;)

Monday 25 July 2011

Feelings At Work


haha .semuanye yg negative je kan ?? depress sbb org2 kt situ sume mcm bagus ! boring sbb tak bole lngsung nak berborak plus henfon tak bole bwk masuk (cashier la katekan) . mana bole hidup mcm ni . in a few hour i'll can get hungry (biasela kuat makan) n at de same time i bole jadik mengantuk on reasons malam td online lame sgt ! (haa ,sape suruh) .. lastly, insults ! oh itu biase .agak2 kena dgn customer yg byk songeh ,itu lah ini lah ,haa mmg laa kene @#$%$*** (tapi dalam hati jela)
hehehhe :p



Monday 18 July 2011

perangai GILA-GILA !

hi there :) asal aku tak tdo lg nihh ? esok keje la weh .mentang2 masuk kol 3 ptg .arghh ,act benci gilee keje ptg balek mlm .sangat tak best .huh !! ni tgah tunggu c akimammar sementare tu melayan budak due c ecah n annelis nih kt FB . kawan2 aku sejak kecik .dorang bole lepak due org kt uma annelis tnpe pengetahuan aku ,ciss !pastu alasan aku kn keje sayang ! ni yg wat aku bengang .hahah. act , rinduu gilerr nk lepak ngn dorang .lg2 nk gado ngn c ecah gilaa2 tuh .hahahah :D rindu nk bergosip pasal org2 kt sni .huhuu .

sedapp ohh mee bandung jakarta ni ! haha

time lepak ngn daia ,esan , n akimammar ..
gamba dorang takde sbb daia taknak amek,dye ckp tgah comot .
huhuu ~

Monday 11 July 2011

OFFday !!

seminggu dah aku keje !cepat betol mase belalu . 7hari keje tanpe henti .mengalahkan org yg dah ade anak bini keje , haha.tetibe teringat kt nadia sbb dye dedicate lagu nih JAR OF HEARTS - CHRISTINA PERRI n baru dgr td padahal dah lame dye sruh dgr .huhu :)

I know I can't take one more step towards you
'Cause all that's waiting is regret
And don't you know I'm not your ghost anymore?
You lost the love I loved the most

And I learned to live, half-alive
And now you want me one more time

And who do you think you are?
Runnin' 'round leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts
And tearing love apart

You're gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
So don't come back for me
Who do you think you are?

I hear you're asking all around
If I am anywhere to be found
But I have grown too strong
To ever fall back in your arms

And I learned to live, half-alive
And now you want me one more time

And who do you think you are?
Runnin' 'round leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts
And tearing love apart

You're gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
So don't come back for me
Who do you think you are?

Dear, it took so long just to feel alright
Remember how to put back the light in my eyes
I wish I had missed the first time that we kissed
Cause you broke all your promises

And now you're back
You don't get to get me back

And who do you think you are?
Runnin' 'round leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts
And tearing love apart

You're gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
So don't come back for me
Don't come back at all

And who do you think you are?
Runnin' 'round leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts
And tearing love apart

You're gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
Don't come back for me
Don't come back at all

Who do you think you are?
Who do you think you are?
Who do you think you are?

p/s : ade makne tersirat nih .hurm3.. 

Thursday 7 July 2011

suka dia :)

shila oiam :)
suka tgk dia ! sempoi jek ..
suare dye pon best ever .
lagu dimana-dimana jdk lagu trademark time masum.haha
senanye nk wat rmbut cmni !
harap2 jdk la nnti .hee

Monday 4 July 2011

hari yg sgt bermakna :D

4 JULAI 1991 adalah hari dimana seorang bayi yg bernama Nurul Shahirah Bt Romlee dilahirkan :)

n today 4 JULAI 2011 dah genap 20tahun .haishh ,tak sangke dah ke alam dewase .hahah .
n on this day jugak is my 1st day aku bekeje. rmai mber2 tk bg keje arini sbb besday lah katekan .tp ape aku kesah ?! haha .
thanks sgt pd sape2 yg wish on FB, TWITTER, MESEJ, FACE to FACE  :D
thanks a lot kt mbr aku sorang nih , Ad Zhuyaen for that present :)
n tak lupe Fendy yg blnje makan n also kek n anta balek sekali .wee.thanks sgt kay :)

muke yg agak selekeh plus burn ngn baju kejenye yg serbe puteh !
asal bole jelaa kan . hahah :p
ohhh ,dear ..

Saturday 2 July 2011


nk duet ! nk shopink ! bosan dah asik pkai baju,suar yg same .heloo , i need a job ! setelah seharian mncari keje bersame akim ammar ,akhirnye ,ade gak yg sudi amek aku keje as cashier kt tesco tebrau . but then terase mcm awal sgt plus transpot takdee (kete masuk bngkel) huh ! so,tke time dulu laa :)

sambil2 tuh sempat layan cter ni ngn c akim ammar ..
igatkan nk tgk transformer tp sume nye sold out ! cm hampeh :(
sweet + sdey


my favourite sport !

ade org cakap, softball ni permainan yg bodoh yg dimainkan oleh org2 yg bijak ..
ahaa .betol ke ??
wateva it is ,aku dah pon stat join softball sejak form3 smpai la skrg kt U.
selaen netball n hndball .
bole gian ohh kalau tak dpt maen .hahah

sgt cool ok ! klau lahh dpt wat cmni ..


latihan pusat (utm) : 17jun-23jun
game (upm) : 24jun-30jun
kemenangan bukan dipihak kiteorang but it was a great moment.
dpt teammate yg sgt kelaka n sporting habes .

time latihan pusat

my team n our coach 

my akak cantek :)

hope ktorg ade improvement n dpt wat yg lg baek for the next masum that wil be held on feb 2012
dat is our promise (aku n reen) !hehe :)

Tuesday 14 June 2011

nOthiNk ~

pg td g jog wit reen , peh masing2 pancet ,da lame tak sport la katekan .msing2 lemak da berkilo2 kt bdn .haha. ktorg maen baling2 ,pastu men bdminton sat .then g mnum2 :)

BrOken heaRt ~

dun promise anything to me again , bcOz watEva u do now ,i wont accept u !
my heart was brOken so many times , n i wont dat things happen again .its really hUrt :(
being single make me morE haPpy ..

Monday 13 June 2011

SINGAPORE,here i come !

cuti2 ni klau bole mcm2 tempat nk pegy kan ? pokok pangkal nye duet ade ke tak.hehe. kelmarin, aq , famly maksu, ain ,ieqa ,mamat ,n tunang dye pegy USS (universal studio) .tmpat ye mmg SUMPAH best laa .tp yg ruginye aq xmsuk water world n madagastar sbb kaki ain da melecet plus org rmai gilakk, weekend la katekan .haisehh .. if nak tau best ke tak ,u oll kene laa pegy kayy. here ,some pic yg aq smpat amek .

wit ain b4 masuk dalam ;)

 3 anak dare :D

konon2 tiup lilin la tuhh ..

posing wit ika kt yellow cab 

wit maksu n ica .tnggi kn dye nih !

wahhh ..

StOp !!


cantek kan ?

ok laaa, ni jek yg mampu di upload .selebehnye kt fb ;)
penat tak terkatee time nih, naseb baek ujan xdela peluh2 sgt .
but it was really fun :D

semalam b4 busu anta balek , ktorg g tgk wyg kt TGV jusco. rase nye da bape kli tgk wyg bulan nihh . heheh. pantang ade muvi baru .nk tgk kl gngster, ticket da sold out , x -men pon same .cm haramm !last2 tgk super 8 . bole laa,science fic nye cter .
sampai uma sudah :)

Friday 3 June 2011

GiVe Up !

hye peeps :) just nk share somtink la pasal give up nih . semua org penah give up kan dalam life korang , tipu la klau tak pnh .haa mcm tu jugak laa aku .give up nk belaja ,give up nk buat somtink n mcm2 lah . somtimes , mnusie ni sebelum buat ape2 dye dah give up awal2 .haishh,tak elok tuhh .. yg penting kite kene USAHA+DOA+TAWAKAL=KEJAYAAN . haa ,baru la betol kan :) ok , here i have make some list to not give up on doing anything .act,ade byk sgt tp aku amek ckt2 jelaa :

1. Set up your goal and know why you want it.
hal ini sgt penting dlm proeses utk mencapai kejayaan sbb kite kne tahu mne kite nk pegi dan ape tujuan kte buat sesuatu itu .
2. Know what we have to do in order to achieve it.
kite kenalah merancang utk mencapai sesuatu kejayaan . kite takkan mencapai ape2 klau plan kte just in the air pastu wat dang jek .huhu

3. Mingle with the achievers.
maknenye kite kne cari a person yg ade his/her own goal .dlm erti kate lain, find anything yg boleh inspire u all utk teros berusahe. then baru bole focus n lbey bersemngat kan ??.
4. Avoid talking to negative sources of comments.
Refuse to accept the opinions that you can not do it. haa,ni lg satu ,try to avoid komen2 yg negative yg tak membina sbb dgn bnde ni kte bole jdk give up n jdk org yg tak berpendirian sbb asik dgr ckp org jee .wlauapepon , kte mesti kne teguh ngn pendrian kte klau kte nk berjaya.rite ?
5. Put all your heart when you take actions.
senang jek , dlm ape pon yg aku n korang buat ,buat la dgn sepenuh hati n buat dgn sebaek habes .so , u will enjoy it !
6. Schedule your rest time.
we need to refresh our mind selepas penat bekerja n belaja. Be there when u are at ur play time . jgn dok terperuk ajee.
7. Remind yourself on the sweet fruits of your success.
When u visualize, u will see yourself as u have achieve what u want in front of ur eyes. kire mcm berangan lah kan .so ,bnde ni akn jdikan kte supaye tak mudah utk putus asa..

                                  p/s: dunt easily give up before u succeed ..

               this things inspire me to keep going on anything dat i do :D
okay , smpai sini saje . im sleepy rite now . nyte .

Wednesday 1 June 2011

new learner :)

mlm ni tetibe aq dpt ilham nk buat blog sndri padahal blog ni dah lame wujud just aq jek yg tak TERbuat.asek dok bace blog org laen aje kan . hahah. mmg take time sgt nk buat blog ni ,haihh leceh jugak ! tp sgt interesting .. even cam hape jek jdiknye blog aq nih ,at least im learn sOmthing new . "oiii !org laen dah lame ade blog ,kau bru tekedek-kedek nk buat" .ehh,bialaa laa dyeorg , bia lmbat asal buat . hehe :)